Daily Announcement Sept 29, 2022
Thursday Sept. 29, 2022 ARHS Biliteracy Club Please take a look at our flyer and email us if you are interested, or have questions about the club. Our first meeting session will be on Thursday, September 29th, at 3:45-4:45 PM in Room 145. We hope you can join us. Contact us at: cisseo@arps.org or hernandezduranv@arps.org https://acrobat.adobe.com/link/track?uri=urn:aaid:scds:US:205d279e-9cb7-47ee-bcdb-9bab159da8e6 Winter Sports Registration Now Open! Please use this link below to register for winter sports. Once registered more information will be sent out by the coach at a later date. Coaches directory and more information can be found on the athletic webpage. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Q4aTTYBO2QcNeb_FgtG5rTDUvZaaOPPQM3C_F7Lz6LE/edit?usp=sharing If you have not signed up for the PSAT exam, a few seats have just opened up. Complete the payment/registration form and bring it to Room 207. First come, first serve. If you have signed up for the PSAT Exam, check your email fo...