Daily Announcements March 17, 2022
March 17, 2022 Thursday
- SENIORS- Are you not sure what you will do next after graduation? How about exploring career options in manufacturing? The Manufacturing Skills Initiative (MSI) training partnership with Greenfield Community College offers quick, non-credit certificates! Some of our manufacturing employers offer education benefits that can provide ways to pay for college credits and certifications to build toward high-skill careers.We offer two short non-credit MSI trainings that can be fully funded by state and federal job training grants for eligible participants. The first training is a short 4-week classroom course called Foundational Manufacturing that starts in June (or September) and teaches basic skills in industrial blueprint reading, precision measurement, OSHA safety, shop math and career readiness. The second is an 8-week hands-on CNC Operator training for entry level machinist skills in precision metal work that is offered at the Franklin County Tech School machine shop. Students learn manual and CNC mill and lathe techniques, an introduction to CAD and programming with G & M code – the language for programming machine tools. These are evening trainings for adults aged 18+ that start at 4pm. We have graduated over 190 adults from the CNC Operator training over the past 8 years with about an 85% job placement rate. Some of our graduates are already earning over $30/hour!If interested, your first step is to participate in an information session which takes place the first Monday of every month, from 3:00-4:00 pm. Next one is April 4th. Sign up at: gcc.mass.edu/manufacturing or call 413-774-4361.
- Do you ever feel like you want to do something about climate change but you're not sure what? If the answer is yes, you can join Amherst Sunrise! All you need to do is come to a one hour meeting once a week on Saturday, at 8:00 pm. These meetings are usually at least 30% not serious. We will also make sure that you feel welcome and know what's going on, and not just like you're going to the meeting for no reason. If you are interested, email warrenje@arps.org"
- Interested in supporting Ukrainian resistance? Come to a special Russian Club meeting this Friday at 3:45 in room 151. Come join us as we plan our fundraiser for people with disabilities in Ukraine who may not be able to relocate. Want to stay involved? Keep coming every Tuesday from 3:45-4:55 in room 151.
- We have VERY IMPORTANT yearbook news!
- The 2022 Yearbook is now available for pre-order!
- Go to https://store.shopyearbook.
com/ARPS to place your order! You can also order parent ads on this site as well to honor your student, a grad, a team, or a staff member! Every quarter-page ad pays for a yearbook for a senior on free or reduced lunch. If you would like to make a donation to help provide yearbooks for all students without buying an ad, you can simply send a check to the high school made out to “ARHS Yearbook.” - We are seeking student artists to create our Yearbook cover! The top winner will have their yearbook design on the cover for all to enjoy for the rest of time, plus a $25 Limered gift card! 2nd and 3rd place runners up will also receive slightly smaller gift cards. Deadline to submit is March 31st!
- SENIORS can submit nicknames, senior quotes, and baby pictures to this form: https://forms.gle/
596WfqTXWHRuxXp3A Deadline to submit is March 31st!
- Seniors Considering HCC - HCC provides $300,000 in scholarship awards every year. The deadline is March 23rd. You will need to have completed your FAFSA and submitted an application. If you need help, see Your Friendly Neighborhood College and Career Advisor before 3/18. Application LINK Scholarship LINK
We are thrilled to share that senior Rebekah Hong is a 2022 Coca-Cola Scholar – congratulations, Rebekah, on your $20,000 college scholarship!
In addition to exemplifying superior leadership, service, and academics, Coca-Cola Scholars are change agents, positively affecting others in their community, and we are so proud of Rebekah. Less than 1/4 of 1% of the 68,000+ applicants from across the country were selected to receive this award.
A full list of recipients is available at Cokeurl.com/2022Scholars.Current ARHS juniors – look out for the Coca-Cola Scholars 2023 application to open again in August!
The Amherst Hurricane Athletic Boosters will be providing up to five (5) $750 scholarships to graduating student athletes. These scholarships are one-time awards designated to assist student athletes pursuing further education. The scholarships are intended to recognize outstanding graduating athletes of ARHS. Applicants will be evaluated on the basis of their athletic success, dedication, sportsmanship, and leadership, as well as academic effort and character.Additional details and application link can be found at:Deadline is April 1, 2022.
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