Daily Announcements April 6, 2022

 April 06, 2022                                               Wednesday 

  • The ARHS Musical opens TOMORROW! Come to HAIR this Thursday-Saturday at 7:30. It's big, it's loud, and it's a lot of fun. Tickets can be bought in advance or at the door. Content advisories and ordering info at bit.ly/arhshairtix  bit.ly/arhshairtix
  • We are recruiting student leaders to act as hosts to rising 9th Graders on April 28th for "Step-Up Day". This is a really important day for them. You will miss A and B periods and therefore need solid academic standing in those classes. Please consider joining us! Fill out the form below:https://forms.gle/5MYzWSWu9q84D7ee9
  • Seal of Biliteracy 2022: The STAMP test for the Seal of Biliteracy will be administered in May 2022. If you are planning to take the test this year please email Ms. Cissé with the following information as soon as possible:
    Full name (first & last name)
    Grade level Target language. Once we receive your email with the information above you will be automatically registered to take the STAMP test in May 2022. Contact cisseo@arps.org if you have any questions. Merci!


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