Daily Announcements April 7, 2022

 April 07, 2022                                               Thursday 

  • Hey everyone! The ARHS Environmental Action Club is looking for volunteers to help plant trees! If you have any questions about dates and times, reach out to Shire Thompson and Sara Hastie, at thompsons@arps.org and hasties@arps.org

  • THE ARHS MUSICAL IS ON! Hair is a wild musical that looks at the counterculture movement in the late 60's. It's an exciting show that we hope you'll come see this Thursday-Saturday at 7:30. Tickets on sale online at bit.ly/arhshair tix or at the door. Free/reduced lunch tickets available, too! bit.ly/arhshairtix
  • We are recruiting student leaders to act as hosts to rising 9th Graders on April 28th for "Step-Up Day". This is a really important day for them. You will miss A and B periods and therefore need solid academic standing in those classes. Please consider joining us! Fill out the form below:https://forms.gle/5MYzWSWu9q84D7ee9


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