Daily Announcements May 5, 2022 Thursday

 May 5, 2022


  • Join us Friday night here at ARHS at 7pm for our first Premier Ultimate League showcase game! These are prof. women, non-binary and trans athletes. Admission is free and pizza for sale! This will kick off Amherst Invitational Tournament at the Macduffie School in Granby this weekend (26 teams)! https://docs.google.com/document/d/1mV6kShukozzSU2RtJAzJV8vifHIH57R1lptNJ-oJy3k/edit?usp=sharing
  • Seniors! Register for prom beginning Monday, May 9th. You can register during all lunches in the cafeteria. You must have your signed permission slip and payment to register. 
  • Seniors! Are you planning to attend community college next year? Need help applying? Support figuring the ACCUPLACER (placement test)? Is the FAFSA confusing? Set an appointment with Ms. Cuffee-Gray and she'll help you figure it out. GCC, STCC, HCC - Now is the time!
  • Amnesty ARHS is selling Hillside pizza and cookie dough! Funds will go towards national activism campaigns and supplies. Checks are payable to Amnesty ARHS and can be dropped off in room 171 or in the main office. Orders are due Tuesday, May 24th and the pick up date is June 2nd!
  • Got a short story? poem? essay? a piece of writing you're proud of? Submit it to the Minks! We will be combining last year and this year's submissions into a huge quarantine edition of the Minks and we want your writing to be a part of it! email it to Clara at amaralct@arps.org by May 20th.
  • All students who took classes with Mr. Sears during the first 3 quarters must pick up their artwork by Friday or it will be discarded.


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