Daily Announcements May31, 2022

May 31, 2022


  • There are cards in the Guidance Department for the students who were involved in the accident and have not returned to school. Please feel free to visit guidance to sign the cards. You can ask your teacher for a pass to guidance for this reason or visit during lunch. 
  • All Ceramics & Sculpture students must pick up work by Wed. Come find it on the cart outside room 201/ Photography. Bring a box! They turn into donations Friday!
  • Film Club! Also known as "Hurricane Productions" is nearing the completion of their long awaited, student created motion picture. The Movie Trailer has just been released by the company to promote the coming film.  Watch it here, follow this NEW Link!     https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7yQB8tlmUkE&authuser=0

  • Come buy some seedlings for you garden at the Garden Club plant sale! TODAY outside the cafeteria after school.
  • Best Buddies is having a bake sale today after school! Come stop by the table outside the cafeteria for some delicious treats!https://www.bestbuddies.org/


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