Friday, May 27, 2022

 May 27, 2022


  • SENIORS! TODAY is the due date for all library materials! SENIORS! Not sure what you still have out? Come visit us in the library so we can help you avoid fines for missing/lost items.
  • Film Club!
    Also known as "Hurricane Productions" is nearing the completion of their long awaited, student created motion picture. 
    The Movie Trailer has just been released by the company to promote the coming
  • Come buy some seedlings for you garden at the Garden Club plant sale! Tuesday 5/31 outside the cafeteria after school
  • Fall sports registration is now open! Once registered more information will be sent out by the coach closer to the start date. More information can also be found on the athletic webpage.
  • Rising 11th/12th graders interested in taking college classes at Holyoke or Greenfield Community College this summer or next year through Dual Enrollment and earning Both high school and college credits at the same time, see your school counselor by Weds June 1st!
  • The 2nd Annual Odenong Powwow is happening Saturday and Sunday from 10am-7pm at ARHS! Native American singing, dancing, food, artwork, crafts, clothing & more will be featured. For more information contact Kara Nye: and click the attached link!


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