Thursday, May 12, 2022

  May 12, 2022


  • Are you interested in a class that is engaging and will give you useful life experiences? This Fall, the Restorative Justice class will focus on developing students' communication/conflict resolution skills in order to lead Circles at ARMS and address school climate issues. Room 135 for Information.
  • Roe V Wade was a Supreme Court decision that protects the right to access safe and legal abortions. The Supreme Court may vote to overturn the ruling. The Women's Rights Club will be hosting an open discussion for those who want to talk about this issue. Come to room 163 Thurs, May 12 at 4 to join.
  • Calling all student-athletes who plan to attend college next year and continue to participate in athletics. If this is you, please send me what school you are attending next year, along with your major and an action photo of you playing that sport. Please send submissions to
  • The Francis E. Hart Scholarship is awarded each year by a group of 12 seniors. You could be one of those 12 seniors! We are seeking students with a range of backgrounds and experiences who will review the applicants confidentiality. Please reach to Miss Garrity to get your name on the list!


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