Daily Announcement November 21, 2022


November 21, 2022

  • All students are invited to participate in this year's Cabaret! Students will perform songs and skits in small groups in a more intimate setting--this year at Drake! Join the Google Classroom for Cabaret and fill out the Google Form.


  • Chorale and Hurricane Singers will be performing on Tuesday, November 22nd at 7 pm at Wesley United Methodist Church in Hadley. Come out to hear some lovely choral music at the start of our break!

  • On Monday, Nov 21,2002 at 3:30pm, come join the girls' basketball team will be having an informational meeting for anyone who is interested in trying out. Let's go CANES! If you have any questions, please contact the coach, Ralph Loos at rwloos@comcast.net

  • It’s that time of year again, indoor ultimate season! We’ll be holding a meeting this Friday after school outside the back to discuss this upcoming season. Bring a friend!  See you out there!

  • Be sure to take a look at the art in the library in honor of Indigenous Peoples Month by ARHS class of '99 Nayana LaFond! She will also be speaking in the auditorium during Advisory about her work and activism with Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women. More can be found on her web page attached.  https://nayanaarts.com/

  • Did you borrow a fidget from Guidance in the last few weeks? And maybe forgot to return it? Or maybe you have a bunch of unused fidget toys at home? Miss Garrity's fidget toy table is running low on toys and we would like to see it restocked!


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