Daily Announcement Jan 10th, 2023


January 10th, 2023

  • Wednesday is Pineapple Upside Down Cake Day. Please support the POCU Bake Sale after school.
  • Reminder, tomorrow we will be having a safety drill with APD at the end of D period, and Plus Block. No alarms will be going off. You will have the chance to debrief with your teachers after the drill ends. Please let an adult know if you have any questions or concerns.
                    Take care

                    Mr. Sadiq

  • It's not too late to join the cast or crew of the musical! Whether you'd like to be on stage or work in the wings, we'd love to have you here. Stop by the auditorium or email Mr. Bechtold (bechtolj@arps.org) for details. Newcomers are especially welcome.

  • Not school sponsored:
  • Amherst Community Theater is looking for adult or student volunteers to help with makeup, costumes, and hair for *The Little Mermaid*, going up the next two weekends. See Mr. Bechtold if you'd like to help - and get a free ticket to the show.


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