Daily Announcement January 13, 2023


January 13, 2023

  • We are starting to run the Hurricane Ambassador program for those who do not know what this program is about I am going to give you a brief review of what it is about, the hurricane ambassador program is for students between grades 9 and 12 who come from other districts and are interested in attending our school but want to see the school and know how the school works and want to experience one day at Amherst Regional High School. At this moment I am looking for students between grades 10 and 12 who want to volunteer in the program and show the new potential students our school and have first-hand experience. If you want to be a volunteer please fill out the Student Ambassador -Host form.

  • A friendly reminder for students:
    • If you arrive late to school between 9:05 am to 9:25 am and you do not have a note you can go directly to class but if you do have a note please stop at the main office to drop it off. If you are arriving after 9:25 am with or without a note you need to stop at the main office to sign in and have a pass (you need a pass to go to your class).
  • A friendly reminder for teachers or subs:
    • If your student(s) arrives from 9:05 am - 9:25 am please mark your student tardy (T) but after 9:25 am please mark your student(s) with a Q (missing 20+ minutes). A pink pass does not make your student excuse it means that the student(s) drops off an excuse and/or sign in.
  • The Anti-Semitism Awareness Project would like to share helpful links for those interested in a deeper understanding of recent anti-Semitic comments by athletes and celebrities. See the document linked below to access the articles. We meet Tuesdays in room 314. Join us!


  • Dance Open Mic - Friday at 7 in the ARHS Auditorium Join us for a celebration of the dance community at ARHS and ARMS. We'll have performances by students, as well as a Getting Sturdy cipher circle and an open freestyle dance circle. All dances, dancers, and audience members are welcome!


  • Community Bombazo This Saturday, 1-3pm at ARHS
  • The ARHS Conjunto de Bomba is celebrating 20 years of sharing Afro-Puerto Rican culture! Everyone is invited. Bring a potluck dish to share. Featuring ARHS students, alumni, and guest performers.



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