Daily Announcement February 14, 2023

February 14th, 2023

Shirley Anita St. Chisholm was the first African American woman elected to Congress in 1968, and the first woman and African American to seek the nomination for president of the United States from one of the two major political parties. She was blocked from participating in televised primary debates, and after taking legal action, was permitted to make just one speech. Still, students, women, and minorities followed the “Chisholm Trail.” Her motto and title of her autobiography—Unbought and Unbossed—illustrates her outspoken advocacy for women and people of color during her seven terms in the U.S. House of Representatives. Born in Brooklyn, New York, on November 30, 1924, Chisholm was the oldest of four daughters to immigrant parents. She taught at Mount Holyoke College and co-founded the National Political Congress of Black Women.

Let's congratulate Ms. Deidre Cuffee-Gray, our College and Career Advisor who won the 2023 Pioneer Valley Excellence in Teaching Awards. Yesterday the Superintendent, Dr. Michael Morris presented her with the award. Please congratulate her when you see her friendly face!

  • All indoor track athletes must return uniforms to coach Thompson after school in the weight room tomorrow 2/15 and Thursday 2/16.
  • This year marks the 38th year of the Theater Co's *Student-Written Play Festival*!  We will be accepting plays running 10 minutes or less through mid-March. Come to a 15-minute meeting at 3:45 in the auditorium this Thursday to learn how to be involved.  No experience is needed!

  • Spring sports registration is now open! Please use this link to view more information and to register. In addition, to learn more about spring sports join us during our spring sports night on 3/15/23 at 6 PM in the high school gymnasium.

  • You a high achieving junior who gets Free/Reduced Lunch? Interested in spending the summer on a college campus and learning the ropes of the college application process? Check to see if you are eligible for Questbridge College Prep Scholars! (Family income $65,000 or less). Check-in at the Futures Center!

  • Scholar-athletes interested in learning more about what life is on campus as an athlete? We are hosting methe UMASS Football team members on 2/16 during A Block. If you are interested in learning more about life as a college athlete, sign up. See Ms. Banda in Room 329, or the Futures Center. Limit 20.
  • MIT Beaver Works Summer Institute (BWSI) Spring 2023 High School Program
    Are you a 9th or 10th grader who really likes STEM (Science, Tech, Engineering, Math)? There is a cool, FREE, summer program from MIT! Deadline 2/15 - Ms. Cuffee-Gray

  • Juniors - Now is the time to sign up for the small group Life After ARHS meetings. We are extending the small groups through March 3rd as we want you to have an overview of the process PRIOR to meeting with you individually. Sign up! Schedule individual meetings starting March 3rd.

  • Students in Ms. Ripley's Abstract Sculpture Q4 of last school year - stop by 201 (the photo room/Ms. Betke's room) to pick up your plaster sculptures by Friday 2/17. All remaining sculptures will be discarded that afternoon.


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