Daily Announcement February 27th, 2023


February 27th, 2023

Fannie Lou Hamer was born in Montgomery, Mississippi on October 6, 1917. She was the 20th child of sharecroppers and had joined her family in cotton picking when she was 6. When she was 12, she left school to work. Later in life, Hamer became an organizer for the Student Non-Violent Coordinating Committee (SNCC) to protest the right to vote. Hamer also protested bus segregation and was subsequently arrested, beaten, and left with life-long injuries. She also co-founded the Mississippi Freedom Democratic Party (MFDP) and organized Freedom Summer, where hundreds of students helped with African American voter registration. The words "I'm sick and tired of being sick and tired" were spoken by Fannie Lou Hamer in 1964 in the fight for civil rights and they continue to resonate today. In 1969, she created the Freedom Farm Cooperative (FFC) and bought land to give to Black people to farm and own. With donors, she bought 640 acres and created 200 units of low-income housing, many of which still exist today. In 1977, Hamer passed away from breast cancer. She was 59. 

Historically Black Colleges and Universities? Check out the Martin Luther King Jr. Family Services annual Black College Tour. 4/16-4/21 plus the Mid-Atlantic College Tour and a cultural experience day at the National Museum of African-American History and Culture. The cost is $800.00. 

Non-ARPS event.

Juniors! We'll move from Naviance to Scoir and anticipate opening up individual Life After ARHS meetings when we return from Winter Break. Juniors will be required to complete a survey and have parents/guardians in attendance (virtually or in person). Explore 2024 Life After ARHS Classroom NOW!

For anyone interested in the Boys Ultimate program: There will be a meeting after school this Friday, March 3 at 3:45 in room 117 to go over important information about the season. See you there!
The online course registration was opened on Wednesday, Feb 15 at 10 a.m. and will close at 3:30 this Friday, March 3. Current 9-11 grade students please select your course requests for School Year 23-24.

Follow the link to everything you need to select the right courses for you.


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