Daily Announcement February 9, 2023


February 9, 2023

Bayard Rustin was an activist in numerous social movements, including civil rights, socialism, nonviolence, and gay rights. Rustin worked with A. Philip Randolph on the March on Washington Movement in 1941 to challenge racism in employment. He once was a member of the Communist Party but left when they did not support integration. In the midst of WW2, he served 2 years in jail for his anti-war efforts. He was an advisor to Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. and taught him about nonviolent practices and Gandhi. He organized the first Freedom Rides and also helped organize the Southern Christian Leadership Conference. Rustin also was one of the main organizers of the 1963 March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom where Dr. King delivered one of his most famous speeches. Rustin faced much discrimination and criticism for being an openly gay man so he usually acted as an influential advisor and organizer behind the scenes. He spent his life advocating for human rights. He died on August 24, 1987. President Barack Obama awarded Mr. Rustin the Medal of Freedom posthumously in 2013.

  • Students in Ms. Ripley's Abstract Sculpture Q4 of last school year - stop by 201 (the photo room/Ms. Betke's room) to pick up your plaster sculptures by Friday 2/17. All remaining sculptures will be discarded that afternoon.

  • Juniors - Now is the time to sign up for the small group Life After ARHS meetings. We are extending the small groups through March 3rd as we want you to have an overview of the process PRIOR to meeting with you individually. Sign up! Schedule individual meetings starting March 3rd.

  • Happy National School Counseling Week!
Thank you for all you do, Deidre Cuffee-Gray, Sherry Balzano,  Karen Peters, Lisa Zephyr, Karen Harkins, Kelly Larcheveque, Yesenia Tirado- Gomez  Alessandra Mucci- Ramos.
  • Interested in marine mammals? Are you a female-identified student currently in 10th or 11th grade? Want to go underwater and learn more this summer? Let Ms. Cuffee-Gray know by Friday, February 10th (cuffee-grayd@arps.org) and she'll sign up for an information session! Full scholarships are available!
  • MIT Beaver Works Summer Institute (BWSI) Spring 2023 High School Program
    Are you a 9th or 10th grader who really likes STEM (Science, Tech, Engineering, Math)? There is a cool, FREE, summer program from MIT! Deadline 2/15 - Ms. Cuffee-Gray

  • Are you interested in joining the boys' lacrosse team? If so, come to room 117 on 2/9/23 at 3:45PM to discuss the upcoming season with the coach!
  • Scholar-athletes interested in learning more about what life is on campus as an athlete? We are hosting members of the UMASS Football team on 2/16 during A Block. If you are interested in learning more about life as a college athlete, sign up. See Ms. Banda in Room 329, or the Futures Center. Limit 20.
  • The ARHS Library will be closed on Thursday 2/9 during Plus Block and on Friday 2/10 all day for an event. We look forward to seeing you all again next week!
  • You a high achieving junior who gets Free/Reduced Lunch? Interested in spending the summer on a college campus and learning the ropes of the college application process? Check to see if you are eligible for Questbridge College Prep Scholars! (Family income $65,000 or less). Check-in at the Futures Center!

  • Spring sports registration is now open! Please use this link to view more information and to register. In addition, to learn more about spring sports join us during our spring sports night on 3/15/23 at 6 PM in the high school gymnasium.

If you have not ordered your cap and gown for graduation please stop by the main office to see Ms. Rodriguez also if you already have one please let us know.


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