Daily Announcements May 16th, 2023


May 16th, 2023

"The Varsity Letterman Jacket store just opened!  

1) Here is the link to the store

2) The store is open for two weeks

3) THE ATHLETIC DEPARTMENT DOES NOT BENEFIT NOR RUN THE STORE if you have  questions HOWEVER please fill out this form "

The ARHS Biliteracy Club is happy to announce an exciting opportunity—Korean and Japanese 2023 Summer Courses at UMass Amherst— Please open the links for more details.

Registration and enrollment have already opened. Classes start May 30.
Attention Athletes! Some UMass Women's Soccer Team members will be coming in during D Period on Thursday 5/18 to do a panel/discussion about overcoming adversity in school, life, or sports. Limit 25 students. Sign up by emailing Ms. Banda at bandam1@arps.org.

The ARHS Biliteracy Club is happy to announce an exciting opportunity—German 2023 Summer Courses at UMass Amherst. All German courses from 110 to 240 are worth 3 credits. Additionally, UMass offers a 4-credit, Gen. Ed. ALDG course called From the Grimms to Disney.

Juniors! Work on your essay and get it done before senior year starts! I’d like you to attend one or all of the College Essay Guy summer personal statement boot camps. In one week learn how to brainstorm, revise, and up-level your college essay. (Ms. DCG can answer ?s)


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