Daily Announcements May 25th, 2023


May 25th, 2023

ARHS's first-ever Dance Battle is this Friday, May 26th at 7pm. Everyone is welcome to battle, perform a dance, or just come and watch. Free and open to the public - see your classmates Step Up 2 The Stage, Bring It On, and Get Served. Talk to Remy in the Dance Studio for details.


Check out the Authentic Selves exhibit this week at ARHS, co-sponsored by the English department, Art department, and SAGA. This exhibit centers on trans and nonbinary people living lives of joy and community with their partners, parents, children, siblings, and chosen family members!


Thursday, May 25 during the plus block in 162, staff from Tran Health will join SAGA to talk about the landscape of trans and queer health in this country and answer questions. Please join us - the LGBTQ+ community and allies are welcome! Come with a pass or we can email teachers to confirm attendance.

Hello Seniors! Still, Working to Figure it All Out? Youthworks is a state-funded youth employment program that helps teens and young adults get the skills and experience needed to find and keep jobs. Participants take part in paid short-term work placements during the summer. 3-page application


Senior Chromebooks will be collected on June 1st and 2nd at the beginning of school and directly after school in front of the cafeteria.

A. They should return three things:
- the Chromebook
- the charger
- the case

B. If they’re missing any of those things they have a week (6-9-23) to return them before they will get a bill.

C. Any seniors who are currently not using their school-issued Chromebooks (and they know they won’t use them before graduation) can return them at any time before 6-1 and 6-2 to the library or main office.
Graduating Seniors: email, google drive, and network accounts will be deleted on July 30th.  You can download almost everything in your account using Google Takeout (instructions link below).  Download your account data immediately as the data will not be available after July 30.

There will be a Powwow in the ARHS gym THIS weekend, Sat & Sun! 10-6 with most things in the 12-5 range. If you've ever been curious about native drumming and dancing, or want to support native vendors or try an "Indian Taco", come check it out! It's free and open to all! To volunteer: nyek@arps.org
ATTENTION ARTISTS! We are currently looking for a T-Shirt design for the Race Amity Day celebration which will be happening w/ Human Rights Youth Hero Award AND the Young vs. Old basketball tournament! Click the link for guidelines for the T-Shirt design. Submissions are due by May 29th at 11:59pm.


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