Daily Announcement September 21st, 2023


September 21st, 2023

Join us for the first Model UN meeting on Wednesday, September 27th from 3:45-4:45 in Room 319. If you're curious about debate, and international politics, or just want to try something new, this club may be a great fit!

Only students with a counselor, caregiver, and administrative approval for ALP Internship, work-study, or approved health reasons may leave for the flex block. Those approved do not need to sign up for flex block those days but must sign out in the main office. Everyone else must attend flex block!

This week's college visits - sign up in SCOIR Juniors and Seniors
9/21 Clark University, Skidmore College

If you're an Athlete who is being dismissed early through the Athletic Department.
Please remember to exit the building through the Gym Entrance/Exit. 
Not through the Main Entrance.


If you arrive after 9:05 am you are late to school but you can go straight to class without a pass, if you have a note for being late/tardy you can drop it off at the main office and go straight to class without a pass, you ONLY need to come to the main office and sign the tardy clipboard is if you arrived after 9:25 am and if you have a note you can also drop it off have a pass and go to class. Now if you came in after 9:25 am without a note you still can sign in and we can give you a pass but having a pass doesn't mean that you have an excuse for being late, a pass means that you came to the main office and signed in.

Also, the lost and found table is going to be cleaned up on Friday after school. If you have lost something check on the lost and found table locate it in the main hallway after the double doors by the main office.


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