Daily Announcements Sept. 7th, 2023

September 7th, 2023

Dear School Leaders,

Announcing a wonderful, local opportunity for students! Amherst Community Theater is holding auditions for Seussical, Sept.15-17. All ages are welcome. Could your school add this to your morning announcements? Attached is a flyer that can be posted. Thank you so much for your help spreading the word!


Amherst Community Theater is holding auditions for the musical Seussical from September 15th-17th. Actors, singers, and dancers of all ages are encouraged to audition! Go to amherstacts.org for more information.


The town is hiring a new Chief of Police and students are invited to a session during Flex Block on 9/12 with the consultants coordinating the search. They are seeking student input. Students can sign up for this session in MyFlex Learning or by contacting Assistant Principal Kusek. Rm. 117

YMCA Leaders in Training weekend at Camp Selah is September 15-17. There is enough funding you can probably participate for free with necessities provided if needed. Teens 13-17 can apply and you will engage in leadership activities, develop personal growth, and have fun! See the link for the flyer!

PSAT/NMSQT will be held on Saturday, October 14. Registration and payment must be completed by Monday, September 11. See the flyer for the link to the registration form. Payments should be dropped in Room 207.

Hello Class of 2024, 2025,2026,2027!

Welcome back to our new school year of 2023-2024!  If you are interested in being a member of your Class Council please come and get an information packet in Room 168.  All Candidates must fill out an application in person to me by this Friday, September 8.2023. Forms will not be accepted after this date and must be given to me in person.  Do not leave them in the Main Office or at my desk.  

The following positions are available for each Class:

2 General Members

All Candidates must have 25 students in their grade sign the support form.  If the student is not from your grade, signs more than once, or has a forged signature you will be disqualified.  

Posters and Advertisements must be approved by me, Ms. Melendez.

If you have any questions, please come see me in my office in room 168.

Good Luck!


Every student should have an assigned locker to place personal stuff. We (the main office) are not allowed to hold sports stuff etc. Only if parents are dropping off for students to pick it up.

Parking Permits


  • If you are driving a car to school, you need to apply for a parking permit in the Dean’s Office (Rm 168). You must get an application from the Main Office or Room 168.  Once you submit the application you must bring the registration of the car you will be driving along with your driver's license. Permits are currently $75 for the year.  Reduced price for Free/Reduced lunch.  

  • Your permit must be displayed on the rear-view mirror with the permit number facing the windshield.

  • Students may only park in the student parking section painted with white lines in the Main Parking Lot in front of the school and on the road along the track in the allotted spaces.

  • The rear of the Main Parking Lot is a no-parking zone, especially when there are snow banks.

  • Students may not park in the visitor parking or faculty spaces (painted in yellow) in the Main Parking Lot in the front or on either side of the buildings or fire lanes.  

  • Parking in faculty spaces will result in towing. 

  • Students must report any loss of stolen permits to the Dean's Office (Rom 168) immediately.

  • Students may not transfer permits from one student to another.

  • Students with excessive tardies and unexcused absences may lose parking privileges.

  • Reckless driving will result in loss of parking privileges for a minimum of 30 days and may be reported to the Police Department.

  • Students driving off school grounds without proper dismissal and transporting other students without proper dismissals will lose parking privileges for 10 days or more.  The parking permit fee will not be refunded.

  • The parking lot is off-limits during the school day. Students may not go to their cars during the school day.  

  • Cars towed will be taken to Ernie’s Towing, 40 Montague Rd, North Amherst MA 01059.  To retrieve the car it will cost $156 for the first 24 hours and then $35 per day for storage after that.

  • Cars will be checked for parking permits regularly beginning next week.  


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