Daily Announcements November 14th, 2023


November 14th, 2023


Wednesday is Pineapple Upside Down Cake Day! Please support the POCU Bake Sale after school.

Be ready for the picture retake happening on November 16th, we will give you more information when we get close to the date.

Thurs. 11/16 Flex Block - Sign up for "Advanced Manufacturing Pathway - Info Session" to learn about the new pathway open to 9th/10th graders interested in engineering & design, computer sci, and manufacturing. Not able to make it to this one? Complete this form to be added to the next info session.

We are starting to run the Hurricane Ambassador program for those who do not know what this program is about I am going to give you a brief review of what it is about, the hurricane ambassador program is for students between grades 9 and 12 who come from other districts and are interested in attending our school but want to see the school and know how the school works and want to experience one day at Amherst Regional High School.

At this moment I am looking for students between grades 10 and 12 who want to volunteer in the program and show the new potential students our school and have first-hand experience. If you want to be a volunteer please fill out the Student Ambassador -Host form.

ARPS will be offering the official State Seal of Biliteracy to graduating seniors in the spring of 2024, as well as Biliteracy Pathway Awards to students in grades 6 and 8. The Massachusetts Seal of Biliteracy is awarded by the state Department of Education and local school districts to recognize students who attain proficiency in English (listening, speaking, reading, and writing), as well as one or more additional languages learned in school or another setting, as measured by standardized language assessments. This recognition will be included with the student’s high school transcripts and diplomas and serves to certify the attainment of a student’s biliteracy for employers and universities.

Please use the link attached to register. Registration deadline is November 17. Seniors: this year's STAMP/ALTA test will take place on December 4th, 2023. Contact cisseo@arps.org for questions.



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