Daily Announcements January 24th, 2024


January 24th, 2024

Come hear from Westover JobCorp recruiters on Tuesday, January 30th from 1:30-3:00 to learn about this FREE post-secondary, hands-on training program where you can earn credentials for high-demand careers. JobCorp is a federally funded program for low-income individuals. Westover in Chicopee has some of the following programs available- auto mechanics, electrical, bricklaying, building construction technology, carpentry, culinary arts, health occupations, office admin, pharmacy tech, plumbing, welding, and heavy equipment operator. If interested, please email Crystal Cartwright at cartwrightc@arps.org to sign up or let your guidance counselor know you are interested.

During exams, the expectation is that all students will remain in the classroom you took your exam in until the end of the period. If you finish your exam before the end of the class, be prepared to keep yourself quietly entertained until the class is over. If you want to be dismissed from school early, have your family write you a note. Otherwise, you'll be expected to remain in the class, not wandering through the building. I hope you all do well on your exams!

Take care

Mr. Sadiq

Early Release Teen Lounge at the Jones Library - Come hang out in the Jones Library Woodbury Room this Thursday from 1:30-4:00. We are closed Wed 1/24. We'll have snacks, games, and gel printing to enjoy while hanging out with friends after school! Email teens@joneslibrary.org with questions.

We're pleased to announce that six ARHS students were accepted to the All-State Music Festival! They will perform at Boston's Symphony Hall in March. Congratulations to the following students:
  • Snowden Blue
  • Mason Cianfrani-Shin
  • James Hall
  • Willa Hudson
  • Sophie Michel
  • Cynthia Tian

Class of 2024 - apply today! Amherst Hurricane Athletic Boosters Scholarship!
The $1,000 scholarship is a one-time award to assist student-athletes pursuing further education. The application deadline is March 31, 2024.

Spring sports registration is now open! Please use the link to view more information and to register. More information can be found on the athletic webpage. In addition, to learn more about spring sports join us during our spring sports night on 3/15/24 at 6PM in the high school gymnasium.




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