Thursday, April 11th, 2024


 Thursday, April 11th 2024

The Common, Amherst College’s professional literary magazine, is hosting a 2-week, virtual creative writing program for high schoolers this summer focused on writing, editing, and revising short fiction - tuition wavers are available. Apply at the link below.

NHS Seniors: If you are on track to finishing your volunteer hours and have a 3.0 GPA, remember to email Ms. Brena ( if you want to order a cord for graduation. Last day to order and bring money ($15.00) is April, 24th.

Saturday, April 20th there will be a resource & creative activity fair. 11am to 3:00 pm in the cafeteria. This event will offer Yoga Practices, Open Mic at 2:00 pm, DIY face painting, and much more including job Corp and TransHealth. Light refreshments will be provided. Hope to see you there.

Students who are interested in a great summer writing program through Amherst College from June 22 to August 2 should check out the attached flyer! Financial aid and tuition waivers available!

Students - Please be aware if you leave (dismissed) the building WITHOUT a note. Your dismissal will not be excused, even if you bring a note after the fact. In order for your dismissal to be excused. You MUST have a note at the time of your dismissal. This is per the Student HandBook (Page 10) 

Amherst Pediatrics Child and Teen Safety Event, Thursday, April 18th from 10AM - 1 PM at 31 Hall Drive, Amherst. This is an outside family fun event with many local agencies including Amherst Police, Fire and UMass Police K9 unit and horses. Car seat/bike helmet safety check. Games, Prizes, Raffles, Ice Cream. Public Welcome - Rain cancels.


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