Tuesday, April 9th, 2024


 Tuesday, April 9th 2024

Please congratulate the Girls Tennis Team for winning their first match against East Longmeadow yesterday, 3 to 2.

Students who are interested in a great summer writing program through Amherst College from June 22 to August 2 should check out the attached flyer! Financial aid and tuition waivers available!

Students - Please be aware if you leave (dismissed) the building WITHOUT a note. Your dismissal will not be excused, even if you bring a note after the fact. In order for your dismissal to be excused. You MUST have a note at the time of your dismissal. This is per the Student HandBook (Page 10) 

Amherst Pediatrics Child and Teen Safety Event, Thursday, April 18th from 10AM - 1 PM at 31 Hall Drive, Amherst. This is an outside family fun event with many local agencies including Amherst Police, Fire and UMass Police K9 unit and horses. Car seat/bike helmet safety check. Games, Prizes, Raffles, Ice Cream. Public Welcome - Rain cancels.


The ARHS Inventeam will be having a bake sale in the front lobby on Wednesday, April 10th. The bake sale aims to help us raise money for our upcoming trip to MIT for our final project presentation. Our theme for this bake sale is that we will only be selling cinnamon rolls.

The Authentic Selves photo exhibit celebrating trans and nonbinary individuals and their families is back in Amherst for another viewing! In case you missed the showing at the middle school and high school last spring, it will be at First Church Amherst from 4/7-4/20 (see flyer for drop-in hours). https://drive.google.com/file/d/1HSbwBgnm53KaelBFGCGEfOGdXL_K-DTy/view?usp=drivesdk


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