Daily Announcements May 17th, 2024

May 17th, 2024

On the week of May 20th - May 24th we are giving out the Underclass Awards Certificates together with Books Awards at the main lobby during all lunches (11:45 am - 1:30 pm). Please stop by YOUR lunchtime to pick up your certificates and book.

If you are a student-athlete who plans to participate in college athletics next year, please send Victoria Dawson an email with what school you are attending next year, along with your major and an action photo of you playing that sport. dawsonv@arps.org

You are invited to attend the Sene-Gambian Scholars presentation on their exchange trip to Senegal and The Gambia on Tuesday, May 21 @ 7pm in the ARHS Cafeteria.

The Senegambian Scholars program has returned from another successful trip from our cultural/educational exchange to Senegal and the Gambia. We are hosting a presentation on Tuesday, May 21st at 7pm in the cafeteria. Please join us and hear our students' reflections on their experiences. Thanks!

Francis E. Hart Committee - Seniors. If you received a message from Ms. Melendez regarding sitting on the Francis E. Hart scholarship. If you were nominated to sit on this committee, by The ARHS Awards Committee, please let us know if you can serve on the committed Monday morning.


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