Daily Announcements May 23rd, 2024

May 23rd, 2024

We are looking for 2 Junior Students who are interested in being Junior Marshalls. For the Class of 2024 Graduation Ceremony on Friday, June 7th. Please email Lirey Rodriguez at rodriguezl@arps.org if you are interested. The deadline for submissions is Friday, May 24!

Schools for Africa are having a car wash next Wednesday! Drive over to the ARHS athletic parking lot next to the track to get your filthy vehicle scrubbed down for a good cause. Car washes will start during flex block and go until sports practices end. Only $10 per wash and popsicles will be sold!

Students from band, choir, and orchestra classes will be performing in our annual Spring Combined Concert on Thursday, May 23rd at 7:00 pm in the ARHS Auditorium. There will be a lot of great music, and we'll recognize the seniors in the music program. Admission is free! Hope to see you there.

Seniors - My little snookies! Please take a moment to make sure that you have completed the FINAL Senior Survey. Your completed survey helps us pronounce your name, know where you are headed, send your final transcript, and advise the Class of 2025 with your words of wisdom. Due May 24th.Ms. DCG

Juniors - We are deep in the Teacher Recommendation request season. Make sure you are asking teachers from your junior year who can write well of you. Regardless of your intended path for Life After High School, you should request teacher recommendations. Get help from your Guidance Counselor or Ms. DCG

Seniors - If you received a Community Foundation of Western MA Scholarship (or any other outside scholarship), please let Ms. Melendez in Guidance know.

Whoops! No SAT review today. CAPS - College Application Peer Support will offer SAT review on Tuesday and Wednesday during Flexblock. Sign up!

Senior Grads - Summer Culinary program at Franklin County Career and Technical Institute. Begins July 15th. Led by the esteemed educators of the Stone Soup Culinary Institute, this initiative offers participants the opportunity to develop their culinary skills in a short 7-week course.

There will be a Powwow at ARHS this weekend! Sat & Sun 11-6. This is a great chance to experience native culture right in your own community. Drumming, dancing, vendors, and food, are free and open to everyone. We're also looking for volunteers and we'd love to have you! Click the link to volunteer.

Congratulations on your Biliteracy award! We missed you at the 2024 Western Massachusetts Biliteracy Awards Celebration. Please stop by room 147 (Mme Cisse's classroom) to pick up your award certificate and gift. Merci!


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