Daily Announcements Sept. 30th, 2024


September 30th, 2024

Hello Students of ARHS,

We are in the process of starting a School Site Council (SSC) at ARHS. The SSC’s main focus will be working on the School Improvement Plan (SIP), and ways to increase student and family engagement at ARHS. We will be meeting once a month for an hour, the day and time will be determined after the SSC is formed. Our SSC will have between 12-18 members. Ideally, there will be 4-6 representatives from three categories: school personnel, students, and parents/guardians of currently enrolled students. Please contact Mr. Sadiq directly if you are interested in being on the School Site Council.

Depending on how many students are interested in joining the SSC, there may need to be an election. Please let me know if you have any questions.

Take care

Mr. Sadiq

Join Model UN for our first meeting on Wednesday, October 2nd at 3:45 in Mr. Elliott's Room (319).


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