Daily Announcements

Friday October 25th, 2024

If interested in trying out for the boys ice hockey team this winter please join the coach after school in the weight room on Monday 10/28/24

Please review the links below to answer any questions about Saturday.

Reminder -- "Charge your Chromebooks", get a good night's rest, eat breakfast. Arrive promptly at 7:30 am with your charged Chromebook and report to your testing site (listed on your yellow practice ticket and the cafeteria lobby).

"Congratulations to our Athlete of the Week, Lucia Jacoby"

ASAP is going gleaning! Gleaning is harvesting leftover veggies from our local fields. It will be on 10/27 from 1-3PM. You should come because it is fun, community service, and it is an ancient Jewish tradition. Contact Ms. Stocker or Mr. Leutz with questions or sign up below:


Thank you for coming to the info meeting on the Massachusetts Seal of Biliteracy Award! The deadline to register to the program is Thursday, October 31, 2024. Seniors ONLY testing is on November 14th and 15th, 2024. All other students take the test and Seniors who did not pass the test this fall do the retake test on February 26th, 27th and 28th, 2025.
Use the registration form below to enroll. Contact Mme Cissé at cisseo@arps.org for any questions. Merci! 


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