Daily announcements

 Friday November 21st, 2024

Students are invited to participate in Cabaret, a night of small-group musical performances at The Drake! There will be an informational meeting on Monday during Flex in the choir room. For more information, reach out to Mr. Fruth, or join the Google Classroom linked below.

The 2025 ARHS Winter Musical will be...announced this Tuesday, 11/26 at a special meeting from 3:45-4:15 in the auditorium! The Musical is the largest performance at ARHS each year - and no experience is needed to join cast or crew. See Mr. Fruth or email Bechtold for further details.

Class of 2026, please check your email. Mr. Sadiq sent you a survey. Please take a few minutes to fill it out before Friday. Thank you

Menstrual products are essential yet often unavailable to most people. Please support the pad and tampon drive the women’s rights club hosts from November 6th to December 10th. Drop-off boxes will be in the main lobby and around the school. Unopened boxes of menstrual products are very appreciated.

Calling all students who are interested in giving the daily announcements.
Please sign up in the link below:

Get ready for an exciting matchup! The Class of 2027 is hosting a special volleyball game where our Varsity Football team will face off against Varsity Volleyball! Don’t miss the action, fun, and concessions.

Where: ARHS Gym 

When: Friday, November 22; 6-8pm

Admission: $3 for students and $5 for community members—come out, support our teams, and enjoy the game!

Winter sports registration is open! Please use the link to view more information and to register. More information can be found on the athletic webpage. To learn more about winter sports join us during our winter sports night on 11/21/24 at 6PM in the high school gymnasium.


Join us for a fun Best Buddies game event

We will be playing Left, Right Center for prizes, candy, and cocoa too!

Thursday Nov. 21st 3:45-4:45 in rm. Rm. 155

All are welcome!

Any questions contact Carol or Jo-Ann at wilsonc@arps.org or koniecznyj@arps.org.


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